Who We Are

Zimbabwe Cotton Consortium is a proudly indigenous wholly owned Zimbabwean Company whose focus, in pursuit of its profit objective, is to serve the interests of disadvantaged and marginalized farming communities and provide a ready market for their cotton farming produce.




Zimbabwe Cotton Consortium was founded by a father and his son: Thomas and David Takura Machingaidze. David worked as the Chief Executive Officer of the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe and was President of the Cotton Ginners Association for four successive years. His random advises turned into serious discussions on cotton farming and assisting the disadvantaged small holder farmer. The co-founders were inspired by the need to take a lead in the economic empowerment of small holder farmers through conducting cotton business in an ethical and sustainable manner. This became the foundation of Zimbabwe Cotton Consortium (Private) Limited.

Zimbabwe Cotton Consortium seeks to set the pace as the industry beacon of ethical conduct, service excellence and technological innovation in the cotton business. These 3 form the simplest distillation of the brand promise which is underpinned by the social agenda of changing people’s lives.

What Motivates us

The fundamental motivation for our Company is a realisation of the huge potential that exists in African agriculture. Zimbabwe, provides ample opportunities in the agriculture space as evidenced by the size of the national import bill. Communal farmers in Africa still face a myriad of challenges and inequalities that limit their potential. We have an opportunity to use our business as a positive force for change. Helping communities prosper is good for society, and it is also good for Zimbabwe Cotton Consortium. Our biggest contribution to the social and economic well-being of communities is through our core business; the jobs we create, the businesses we support and the taxes we pay.